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A Heartfelt Thank You

Today I wish to sincerely thank you.

I thank you for inspiring your friends, colleagues and family members, both directly and indirectly. I thank you for trying hard to improve yourself. I thank you for following your dreams. I thank you for your warm smiles and emails. I thank you for the personal bests you achieve, the first time finishes and each milestone you achieve or encourage others to achieve. I thank you for the high 5s and hugs you give each other after workouts or the notes of encouragement you post from abroad to Hillseekers online.

I thank you for reading something I write or watching a video or clicking a like. I thank you for challenging yourself. I thank you for sharing a link or offering some feedback or trying something new in your workouts. I thank you for smiling when you see a hill or smiling anytime the going gets tough. I thank you for encouraging a buddy to make it through a workout. I thank you for writing a comment or just sharing your thoughts in person. I thank you for sharing a laugh or joking with me online. I thank you for your ideas and enthusiasm.

I thank you for sharing your goals and encouraging others in their goals. I thank you for the camaraderie that you’ve fostered. I thank you for sharing your support with me and others. I thank you for the positive energy you bring to this virtual Hillseeker® community.

The collective energy of this community, spanning those frequently involved and those who just stop by for a single visit online, is a glowing positive force in my life. I treasure this and I’m grateful that you’ve taken time from your life to be a part of it. I sincerely thank you.


— Coach Jeff


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