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20-Day Plank + Support Others Challenge

plank challenge Support

I’ve received a lot of requests lately to restart the monthly challenges I posted for years. I’m listening! So, how about joining me in this new challenge to kick off a new year!


20-Day Plank + Support Others Challenge

Part 1: Complete a total of 20 days this month where you hold a plank for a total of 2 minutes. Based on your level of fitness, the hold can be all at once, or in segments. If you want more of a challenge, make it 3 minutes per day and do 50 reps of core exercises before starting it. If you are totally new to core conditioning, scale it down to 1 minute.

There is a critical part 2 of the challenge though! Without it, Part 1 doesn’t count.

Part 2: Immediately after the plank hold, do something to support someone else. Ideally, it’s something that will take you only a couple minutes to complete (else, you risk not completing it and losing the good intention in a sea of other tasks). Spend your time in the plank thinking about what this action will be.

Examples of Quick Actions to Support Others:

  • send a short motivational note to someone who is pursuing a fitness or transformation goal or who simply could use an encouraging word
  • invite someone to workout with you later in the day or week, either in person or virtually
  • make a small donation to someone’s charity cause
  • offer a compliment, supportive idea, or brief positive engagement on social or in person
  • get someone to join you on the plank hold, either in person (partner, friend, child) or virtual/online
  • share any other ideas you have on the private Facebook group for the challenge. Join here


And don’t forget to TRACK your actions toward this challenge. Use whatever works for you, but two quick ideas are 1) smartphone daily reminder and 2) track it in a spreadsheet. Here’s a simple Google Sheet I made to track mine — please feel free to copy it or print it out. I’ve shared a couple app ideas as well on the private Facebook group.

Have a great start to 2017!


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