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3-Day 360-Degree Jumping Jack Challenge: Fitness During COVID-19 Lockdown

We are stronger together!

I’ve launched a new series of short fitness challenges for anyone out there in lockdown, self-quarantine, imposed-quarantine, socially-distanced apartment living, hiding from kids / partner / boss / pets / Zoom conference participants, etc. These challenges are designed to get you moving throughout the day and to foster more connection and a stronger sense of virtual community.

Whether this is your only fitness activity during these days or just a side challenge on top of a robust training program you’re following, I encourage you to join my challenges and share some support for others along the way. Each challenge is five days or shorter in duration, with different levels offered to suit a diverse group of participants. Each challenge also has a send-some-good-vibes focus — a suggested group of people we think of and send energy to while doing the challenge.

In case you missed, check out the 5-day Air Squat Challenge4-Day Plank Challenge, and 5-Day Thruster Challenge, all of which you can start any time. Next up: Jumping Jacks!

3-Day 360-Degree Jumping Jacks Challenge

Ready for an unusual challenge? This is a short one, just 3 days. It involves a movement you likely know very well and some others that are great for your core, but you may not do that often, if ever! Here’s my challenge for you: do 360 jumping jacks over the next 3 days, mixing up with ANY of the following styles, with as many reps in any style as you wish:

  • Regular (what you know from school gym class)
  • On the back
  • On the belly
  • In Arms-Straight Plank Jacks or in Headstand (only for headstand profi’s)

Jumping jacks on your back? SURE! Check out my video for a demonstration. The back and belly versions are challenging core movements — maybe you want to do most of your reps there. Or just grab a few there and go old school for morning callisthenics JJ’s!

Oh, and if you want to make it harder, then how about 360 reps a day for 1,080 in total!

If you’re already doing lots of exercise these days, use the jumping jacks just to take a break from your desk every now and then, or to warm-up for longer workouts. And if you aren’t doing any exercise these days, then you’ve got 3 days of 360-degree jumping jacks as your fitness jump-start!

Send some vibes!

While we are doing jumping jacks, let’s send some good vibes to teachers, who are working miracles to master online teaching and student engagement at lightning speed.

How to Join

Just ask to join this closed Facebook Group — for support and accountability. The support group on Facebook brings friendly and supportive people together from around the world. Once you’re in, feel free to add any friends who want to join. It’s not required that you post on the group, or even join it in the first place. It’s more fun and motivational in a community though! By the way, this whole thing is FREE — just good people coming together to support each other. You can start this challenge ANY DAY you want. The best day though is TODAY!

Helpful Tools & Ideas

Reminder and Accountability Apps: I use the iPhone app called Productive to remind me and keep accountable during our challenges. There are others as well. These apps are excellent for accountability.


May I join late? What is the deadline? You may join any time you want.

How do I join if I’m not on Facebook? Just say I’m in out loud 3 times, and you’ll be in! If you want to connect the dots and receive a virtual high-five, feel free to also drop me a note at [email protected] or say hi on other social media channels (links in footer).

May I join the challenge, but start my own Facebook group for my gym, club, friends or community? Sure. I’d love to see you in the global group, so how about both? I hope you join us!

Stay fit, stay strong for yourself and those you love. We’re going to get through this together! — Coach Jeff  

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