A month to reset your digital balance
This month’s challenge is quite different than my regular fitness-based challenges. It’s just as important though!
This challenge is about getting OFF your phone, out from behind the laptop, and into the present moment.
This means a month of more real-life, in-person experiences and less time in the digital world.
For many of us, it won’t be easy — but it will be worth it.
Are YOU up for this? I hope so!
Here’s how it works:
1. Print out the linked Digital Detox list. Read it, select what resonates with you, and make a plan to accomplish the 30 points minimum or to go for a max point target.
2. Post in our Hillseeker Monthly Challenge Facebook group that you’ve committed to the challenge. A public commitment is important for motivating you when the going gets tough.
3. Here’s the good part: Go OFFLINE during May to complete it. There’s no need to check-in regularly, as that defeats the intention of going offline more. So, enjoy checking items off a paper list, and more importantly, enjoy all those moments of presence! Mark off every task completed (repeats are allowed) and add any notes you wish about the experience.
4. Check back in at the end of the month to report your results to the accountability and support group. A quick note and photo of your printed out sheet would be great. If you say you’re in, I’ll follow-up with you at the end of the month, so make us both happy by getting this done at the level you commit to.
Digital Detox Challenge List
Here’s the list in an easy-to-read online version.
Activity | Point-Values |
Delete a social media app (that you use daily) from your phone for one week | 10 |
Delete a social media app (that you use daily) from your phone for two weeks | 25 |
Delete a social media app (that you use daily) from your phone for the entire month | 60 |
Go digital info-free for 24 hours (no emails, no checking social media, no reading news sites) | 5 |
Go digital info-free for 12 non-sleeping hours (no emails, no checking social media, no reading news sites) | 2 |
Go digital info-free for 6 non-sleeping hours (no emails, no checking social media, no reading news sites) | 1 |
Sleep a night in the outdoors | 15 |
Go on a run, walk, hike without your phone if normally have it | 2 |
Read at least 30 pages of something in print (book, magazine, etc.) | 5 |
Cook with a recipe on paper, a family or friend’s recipe if possible | 3 |
Write a letter or post card by hand | 2 |
Play a musical instrument 15min a day for a total of 4 days in the month or watch live music for a total of 1 hour during the month | 5 |
Sit outside and listen to nature sounds for at least 15 min | 2 |
Catch up with a friend while doing something active instead of via text | 2 |
Eat a meal without your phone nearby | 1 |
Keep your phone out of your bedroom for one week. Replace it with an old school alarm clock. | 10 |
Get a friend or family member to join the Digital Detox challenge with you | 5 |
Go to a concert, play, festival, or exhibition. Don’t wait to plan — find one and book tickets today. | 5 |
Have a meal with friends or family where you phone stack and no one touches phones until the meal is over. | 5 |
Spend 10min of your waiting time (commuting, appointment waiting room, etc.) observing people and your surroundings instead of buried in the phone | 5 |
For one week, give yourself a social media and news window of max 3x a day for less than 10min each time. Stick to that. | 5 |
Custom Item 1 (write-in) | 5-10 |
Custom Item 2 (write-in) | 5-10 |
And here’s a look at the full tracking sheet — it’s just for you. You’re welcome to print it out, share, copy, use as you wish, etc.

You can download PDF and EXCEL versions here, or save one of the images above and print it out.
Take it seriously
Don’t commit to the challenge unless you’re willing to earn at least 30 points. If you’re in, you’re in, so I encourage you to live your commitment with strength.
Select wisely to fit your needs, lifestyle, and intention. Make a plan to get it done.
Ask a friend to be a non-digital accountability buddy. Write down on some post-it notes reminders to honor your commitment to this challenge.
And remember, you can repeat any of the items multiple times for more points.
How to Join
Just ask to join this closed Facebook Group — for support and accountability. The support group on Facebook brings friendly and supportive people together from around the world.
Once you’re in, feel free to add any friends who want to join.
It’s not required that you post on the group, or even join it in the first place. It’s more fun and motivational in a community though!
By the way, this whole thing is FREE — just good people coming together to support each other.
Secondary Challenge
Cover at least 50KM (30miles) this month on foot, bike, or swimming.
How do I join if I’m not on Facebook? Just say I’m in out loud 3 times, and you’ll be in! If you want to connect the dots and receive a virtual high-five, feel free to also drop me a note at [email protected] or say hi on other social media channels (links in footer).
May I join the challenge, but start my own Facebook group for my gym, club, friends or community? Sure. I’d love to see you in the global group, so how about both?
I hope you join us and I wish you the best with this challenge!
— Coach Jeff